
Forex Market
In contrast to traditional markets. Because here being traded is the currency, then the market (where traders / market participants make a sale) is called the forex market. Who are the forex market participants? very diverse: can be multinational banks, big companies, countries, institutions, speculators, etc.

Given the global scope and culprit, this forex market becomes very attractive and profitable. Why? So global, the forex market is the biggest money market ($ 4 Trillion / Day), and it is very liquid (can sell and buy at any market price). The forex market is also open 24 hours non stop due to world time difference. So, we can trade anytime according to our free time.

In addition, the forex market does not have a specific physical location. This is where the trading platform functions mentioned above. The trading platform describes the condition of the forex market. The process of online forex trading transactions can occur quickly and in very large numbers as well.

Forex Trading Objectives
In simple terms, the purpose of forex trading is to gain profit from rising and falling currency exchange rates. Market conditions and prices in the forex market move very dynamically, can change at any time quickly respond to events whether economic, political, war, disaster, etc.

Especially for countries with advanced and strong economies like the US or Japan, there is little sensitive information, then the price of the currency can move up and down. This is what traders see as an opportunity and opportunity to trade.

Forex Trading Opportunity
The Internet has made a lot of revolutions in the world of commerce, including in the world of forex trading. With the internet, forex trading can now be done by anyone.

In the past, forex trading can only be done by Big Player (banks, countries, institutions) only. However, now everyone can trade. You and I can trade online forex easily and with a capital as small as 10 Dollars only.

Forex Risk
Forex is like a double-edged sword. With forex can make us quickly become rich, but the reverse with an instant can also erode our capital. No matter whether your forex is considered an investment or as a regular trade, a clear forex has a high risk. So understand the true risks in forex and do not get one step.
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